Our brand and cultural transformation purpose

Prove to healthcare professionals that Smith+Nephew really understand what matters to them when they select dressings.

It takes a great deal of innovation to be this simple.

Smith+Nephew’s ALLEVYN dressings are so technologically advanced, that explaining their functionality would take up too much of a busy nurse's time. Instead, we helped S+N to cut through the technical nonsense and communicate what truly matters: how the dressings benefit their patients.

ALLEVYN Dressings. For what you really care about.

Whilst we were keen to not fall into the category trap of talking tech, we didn’t want to downplay the clinical evidence supporting these dressings in our messaging. We made the tone more human, speaking to nurses in the same no-nonsense way that they speak - demonstrating empathy and understanding for their role.

We also highlighted the patient benefits by featuring them prominently in the campaign, literally writing on the dressings themselves. As a busy nurse, you want a dressing you can trust, from a company you can rely on. That is exactly what patients and care providers get with the ALLEVYN range.

From the UK to the World

Due to early success in the UK, S+N were inspired to follow best practice and roll this campaign out across the globe. Early signs of the campaign’s impact are super positive.